So there I was...with this feeling in my body, ready to be a CoMo freak...Justin Timberlake agreed to sub in to sing our hash trash this week:
Had that sunshine in my pocket and some cold beer in this heat...I've got all these wanks around me and some sheep. Ohhh...Follow the blue marks til you find a shot, passing through a cemeteryyyyy. The muggles watch and want to join us so we just creep.
Ohhh Under the deck, and hid in the swamp, we found the cooler in a well hidden spot. We had a third beer stop that hare didn't know, so we drank it down down, drank it down-down...Drank it down-down....ahhh!
Nothing else that we can see when we're hash-hash-hash-ing. That drunk feeling creeping up when we're shot-shot-stop-ping. Doing things only wankers do when we're hash-hash-hash-ing. Ain't no hashers ditching cause they be stranded. Can't stop the hashing! We got this feeling in our half-minds...
OH! It's so fucking hot! Sweat on our faces, with every False, every ON-ON...We don't need PO's, we need ice cream, (need ice-cream) everywhere we go we own it, it's our hash zone.
The sunshine is fading from our pockets but beer is near at BN three. Humping trees to cross the water, cum on let's thrust...ohh
Don't fall in or lose your balance...shit another scratched knee...they'll be plunger downing at circle so just chug.
We had a Virgin and her name was Jill...she said this trail really gave her a thrill. We named JustMike with the beer that we donned... Just's Flaccid Lassooooo!!
Nothing else that we could see when we're hash-hash-hash-ing. That drunk feeling creeping up when we're shot-shot-stop-ping. Doing things only wankers do when we're hash-hash-hash-ing. Crossed the Erie Canal today at Fairport. Can't stop the hashing! We got this feeling in our half-minds...
-Bloody Poussière & JT